Sunday, May 24, 2009

A month in time...

Can it really be May 24th? Time has just flown by. Maybe it went by so quick because I haven't had adequate sleep every night and I've been in a state of recovery.

  • Baby is one month old now. She had me worried for a couple weeks because she wouln't latch on right the first week and my milk supply went down. Her weight went down too. We finally got the latch under control (and not a moment too soon because she had me in so much pain I just about wanted to quit doing this) but she began to gain weight and I began to heal. I pumped a little and have been taking Fenugreek (an herb that is suppose to help build your milk supply up.)
  • My little 5 1/2 yr. old graduated Kindergarten Saturday. She was so excited.

  • We have resumed school this past week and can say I didn't get much done but the essentials which are Math and Language Arts. We did go to the Aquarium one day and to Dollywood another day. Overall, our fieldtrips went well since baby nursed and slept most of the day. (Though I couldn't have done any of that without my husband.)

  • The exciting part of homeschooling for me has begun. The Curriculum Sales! I've got a milk crate full of books to sell and have started shopping for some of my things for this coming year. I've decided to switch our math in 1st -3rd grade. So I'll be shopping for what I think will be Rod and Staff Arithmetic. I'm also looking for Rod and Staff English for 3rd and 5th grade. Our big regional used curriculum sale is Saturday and I can't wait! (I know..I know... you're so excited for me, but I've always like the beginning of the school year and teaching the stuff is not half as fun as looking for it and having great aspirations about teaching it.)
  • My husband's garden is doing good. He planted lots of tomatoes from seed, cabbage, corn, potatoes, red peppers, beets, onions, and squash.
Considering he had a kidney stone a week and a half before I delivered, our lawnmover died, our weed eater is dying, his work vehicle is sick and he hasn't found time to fix it, and we finally got the pool open -this is a great accomplishment. I think the trick is to plant potatoes. They make your garden look good.

I feel somewhat tired but it is really good to have my body back. I've been thinking that maybe this summer I can finish some of the things I wanted to get done before I got pregnant. -Like paint the dining room and finish our kitchen trim.

Oh, it's good to dream and plan during times like these. Even if sometimes it can't or doesn't get done.

You never know ... it might.


Nina said...

.... "teaching the stuff is not half as fun as looking for it and having great aspirations about teaching it"

Amen, sister!
Looking forward to Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read your update! :) Have a great week! ~Bev