Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Peaceful Confirmation

The thought recently settled in my heart.
"This baby inside me pleases God. "
You may think this is a strange thought but it brings peace to my heart. I hear so many 
"Are All those your children?"
"One, Two, Three, Four,....."
"How do you do it, with all those children?"
Blah, Blah, Blah...."I even had a man laughingly tell me he would commit suicide if he had that many children!

But the voice of God isn't saying this. There is a sweet restful peace within my heart. A reassurance of God's approval. A loving thought of this precious gift entrusted to us by God. 


Linda said...

I just found your blog through Bev's blog at I too have said, "How do you do it, with all those children?" I do not say it to sound in any way demeaning or negative but there are those days my two children try my patience and things seem so hard to do and get done (they are 39 and almost 18 months). I ask out of genuine interest on how to make things work better for us. I would love to have more children if the Lord so chooses to bless us with more but I know I need to learn some better skills on making things work more smoothly. Congratulations on your seven children, for I know they are a blessing from the Lord!

Linda said...

Linda, thanks for taking the time to visit. I completely understand what you are saying. There is a word of comfort though. Each one of these children were a gift and came about 2 to 2 1/2 yrs. apart. This has given us(me) time to adjust. My husband and I were just talking about how we would resume school next week having a little one that nurses so often. The answer was what we have been doing all along: Keep trying it the way we've got it now and adjust to make it better if it isn't working. That's really what we've had to do. But in all sincerity, it has been easier with the 7th because I have so many able hands to help. :O)

HTH you on your journey through motherhood.
